When you’re in the position of having to remove a tree, don’t make the mistake of hiring amateurs, or fall victim to the allure of a price that seems too good to be true. Hire a Professional to do the job right!

Oklahoma TreesDon't Get Burned

We have helped countless customers who originally went with the “cheaper option” just to be met with a half-done job and a giant mess to clean up. A lot of other vendors will typically not grind the stump or haul off the debris and fail to mention that until they claim the job is done. At Thornton’s, we won’t take any payment from you until the job is completed and done to your satisfaction.

Tree Service Professionals

It is worth noting that more often than not we can get your job done within one day or less while other “companies” may take 3-4 days to do the same work. This lets you get on with your life instead of having to be home, looking out the window for days, making sure everything is getting done on time

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