Just like us, trees need water to thrive and the brutal temperatures this summer have your trees under serious stress. For young or newly planted trees, water is especially crucial because they haven't yet developed the deep root systems that older trees have. While they're growing these roots, it's essential to give them a good, deep watering regularly.

When the temperatures are above 90 degrees, water your tree for about 2-3 minutes every 2 to 3 days, making sure the soil around the trunk gets really soaked.

Of course, the amount of water and how often you need to water will depend on your soil, location, and the type of tree you have. Pay attention as you water. If you see water pooling around the tree and it doesn't drain between watering sessions, cut back a bit and let the water soak in. If your tree is in a shady spot that doesn't get sunlight all day, it might not need as much water as one that's in the sun all day long.

You can do some research on your trees and their watering needs at this link from the One Tree Planted organization.

Different trees have different water needs—some need a lot, while others are fine with less. There are plenty of resources online to help you figure out the specific water needs for your tree, so you can create the perfect watering schedule.

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

Mulching trees in the hot summer months in Oklahoma is often overlooked or done incorrectly, yet it plays a crucial role in tree health. When planting and maintaining a tree, applying a 1-2 inch thick layer of mulch around the base, extending out to the tree’s canopy edge, is vital. Shape the edge of the mulch ring into a donut form to channel water towards the tree, ensuring better water retention around the roots and minimizing evaporation.

Avoid piling mulch against the trunk. Doing so can trap excessive moisture, fostering fungus and bacteria growth that can cause rot and decay. Additionally, it provides a haven for harmful insects. Keep mulch away from the trunk, focusing on covering the soil over the tree's root zone to suppress grass and weeds that compete for water and nutrients.

Consistent watering and proper mulching are essential for your tree’s health during the scorching summer months here in the Oklahoma City area. The conditions a young tree faces can significantly impact its future, so providing optimal care now ensures it will thrive for generations. Your tree will benefit from any effort you make to reduce stress, helping it grow into a cherished part of your property.

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